Hey, I'm Viviane Buser

I have been in the fitness industry since 2012. I was inspired to train as a fitness instructor after my own journey as a participant and feeling the benefits that exercise had on me both, physically and mentally. Exercise was the key thing that helped me through grief, anxiety and low moods. I wanted to share my experience and help others to feel better about and within themselves like I did.

I was a keen runner and loved all things high impact until, I sustained a knee injury, and was told that I couldn’t participate in these activities any longer. (sad face)

Due to my injury, Viva Pilates was born! I decided to train as a Pilates instructor to help people alleviate and get out of pain through mindful movements to strengthen their core muscles but also, to help with their mental health. Teaching them to take time to breath, be mindful, and live in the present moment to let go of daily stresses and anxiety- this is my passion and my mission.

My own experience of Pilates is a gentle practice that allows me to just BE, I acknowledge my thoughts, my feelings, my heavy heart, my pain...I focus on my BREATH, I don't have to think about anything else. I can completely switch off from the outside world and have an hour just for ME. I call it my HEALNG hour, I always feel better afterwards both mentally and physically. I feel lengthened and nicely stretched out, my mind calmer, relaxed and lighter.

Movement is so much more than you think x

I have three beautiful Children and I live with my partner, Steve our two daughters Millie & Jasmin and our fluffy cat Rocco.

In my spare time I enjoy cycling, Yoga, walking, cooking, and being creative crafting with string (Macrame).

I originally come from Switzerland, I love going back to visit and being in the mountains, being outdoors in nature, and breathing the beautiful clean air. If you haven’t been to Switzerland and you ever get the chance to, I’d highly recommend it, it is just as it looks on a postcard.

I am looking forward to meeting you on our LIVE zoom meetings!

Love, Viviane x

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